Tag Archives: webinar

Free Webinar: The War Against Malware

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 – 1:00 PM CDT105

Presented by Pierluigi Stell, CTO of Network Box USA & Mac McMillan, CEO of CynergisTek

Security is an arms race fought 24/7/365.

It is neither a firewall nor an antivirus, but a viable solution which requires committed and constant attention.  Staying abreast of all the new threats requires a team of dedicated specialists.  This is where you have a choice to make – hire them on a full time basis or outsource your security.

This presentation will make the case about managed security and UTM devices, and clearly demonstrate why both are great solutions, particularly for medium sized companies.  It also delves into why Network Box USA provides the best of both these solutions and how it will help you deliver HITECH compliance for your company.



AHIMA Audio Presentation: What to Expect From an OCR Audit

March 21st, 1 pm – 2 pm EDT (12 pm – 1pm CDT)ahima_logo_rgb_nhyj

AHIMA and Mac McMillan are teaming up to present an informative webinar on OCR audits. In this session, McMillan will provide a detailed background on the first OCR random audits, the lessons learned from it and the steps to help prepare for an audit.  This webinar is ideal for any Privacy Officer, Security Officer, CIO, CMIO or HIM Director.

Click here to learn more  or to register

Free Webinar: Eliminate Manual Patient Privacy Monitoring & Audits

Hosted by CynergisTek and Iatric | March 13th, 2013 2:00 ET, 1:00 CT

HIPAA, Meaningful Use, and now the new Omnibus Rule require healthcare providers and business associates to find, investigate, track, and report any unauthorized access to patient medical information. As many know first hand, this can be a labor-intensive effort.

You’ll hear Mac McMillan — a healthcare regulation and compliance expert with more than 30 years of security consulting experience, team up with Trish Voss — a former Audit Manager in healthcare, explain the impact of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule and healthcare’s continuous compliance challenge.

They will discuss the following:

• Understanding of the new Omnibus Rule
• The value of consolidating real-time monitoring data across disparate systems
• Proactively receiving notifications when possible violations occur
• Properly maintain all documentation and actions taken on audits performed
• Reducing and controlling the expense and resources used to do auditing

Discover how you can eliminate endless hours of manual auditing and reduce your risk of internal security breaches.



Data Breaches, Data Security, and the Data Future: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare

logoHealthcare Informatics is hosting a free informative webinar February 19th, 1:00 PM EST.

Mark Hagland, Editor-In-Cheif will be joined by  guests Mac McMillan, CEO CynergisTek, and Eran Farajun, Executive VP Asigra Inc. The three will join forces to host an open discussion on some of the hot topics in healthcare data security. They will address some of the challenges that healthcare IT leaders face and identify what leads to a data breach. Then they will help advise providers of strategies to improve data security.

The recording from the presentation is available in Healthcare Informatics Webinar Archive. Click here to watch it now.

Upcoming Webinar – The Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule

 “The Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule:  Big Changes for Business Associates”

Thursday, February 14, 2013, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST (11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PST)

The final Omnibus Rule released on January 17, 2013 will have an enormous impact on Business Associates (BAs). They have until September 23, 2013 to comply with the new requirements.  Under the new regulations, BAs and their subcontractors are officially liable for certain requirements of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, whether a formal agreement exists or not.  The Omnibus Rule now gives OCR the latitude to directly investigate BAs for breaches and they will shortly be incorporated into the random audit program that will likely resume later this year.

In this 90 minute session attendees will learn:

  • Details of the final Omnibus Rule
  • Business Associates redefined
  • How BA agreements need to change
  • Breach analysis changes

HCCS, Experts in Healthcare Learning, and CynergisTek cordially invite you to join this free, informative webinar.





WEBINAR – Dept. of Health & Human Services HIPAA Audits: How to Prepare

Our thanks to the team at healthcareinfosecurity.com for asking CynergisTek to share its firsthand experience with the OCR HIPAA Audit Program.

Friday – June 29, 2012  3:30 PM Eastern (12:30 PM Pacific)Duration: 90 Minutes

Wednesday – July 11, 2012  1:00 PM Eastern (10:00 AM Pacific)Duration: 90 Minutes

 A good way to prepare for federal HIPAA compliance audits is to learn from the experiences of the first organizations audited earlier this year.

This webinar will feature timely insights from a consultant who observed first-hand an audit at a hospital that was one of the 20 initial sites audited under the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights’ new program. Another 95 sites will be audited by year’s end, and most have yet to be notified.

Join us for this exclusive session, when you’ll gain a clear understanding of:

  • The audit process and protocol and how to prepare for the experience;
  • The level of rigor in the audit process and the expectations of the auditors;
  • The essential steps to take to prepare staff, including insights on how to successfully interact with the auditors.


The HITECH Act called for HIPAA compliance audits as part of an effort to help ensure compliance with its privacy and security provisions. The HHS Office for Civil Rights has completed the first 20 pilot audits, and it plans to complete another 95 by the end of this year.

Those to be audited will be notified in phases in months ahead. How can you help ensure your organization is well-prepared if it’s selected? By learning from the experiences of those who’ve been through the audit experience.

This webinar will feature timely insights from an experienced consultant who aided a client with its audit, from start to finish.

The protocol for these assessments presents a rigorous audit experience that emphasizes the need for readiness, consultant Mac McMillan stresses.

McMillan’s experience advising a client who was audited provided valuable direct visibility into how these audits are conducted, the expectations of the auditors and the process. This session is designed to chronicle that experience and provide insights into how to improve your readiness posture.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What the audit process looks like and what to expect;
  • How to prepare for the document request requirements;
  • How to prepare your staff for successful interaction with the auditors;
  • How to prepare all your departments for the audit process;
  • How to review your information security program to understand weaknesses;
  • How to prepare your response.