Tag Archives: KPMG

CynergisTek selected to support one of OCR’s “First 20” Random HIPAA Audit Selectees

CynergisTek has been selected to provide consulting and advisory services to one of the first organizations targeted by OCR in the pilot phase of its HIPAA Audit Program.  As widely published by OCR, it plans to randomly audit 150 organizations in FY12, beginning with an initial cohort of 20 organizations to “pilot” the methodology and audit process designed by KPMG.

CynergisTek CEO, Mac McMillan, shares some initial thoughts and reactions with Howard Anderson from healthcareinfosecurity.com in an interview posted on Friday, January 6, 2012.

To read the interview and article and its entirety, click here:  http://www.healthcareinfosecurity.com/articles.php?art_id=4379