Tag Archives: HIMSS13

HIMSS13 Meaningful Use Symposium

One of  the hot topics at this year’s Annual HIMSS Conference is Meaningful Use (“MU”). There are several sessions and exhibit hall activities dedicated to providing attendees with a better understanding and more guidance on meeting requirements of the various stages of MU.  On Sunday, March 3rd HIMSS will host a MU Pre-Conference Symposium, “Transform MU from an IT Project to an Organizational Initiative”. Throughout the day many experts will present informative sessions to review the lessons learned and challenges of MU Stage 1 and Stage 2, educate and prepare attendees for MU audits, as well as identify future requirements and implications.

CynergisTek encourages attendees to take advantage of these informative sessions and cordially invites attendees to Mac McMillan’s MU Symposium presentation, “Meaningful Use Audits – What Your Provider Organization Needs to Know”.  During this hour long session Mr. McMillan will provide insight on what a MU audit looks like, required documentation and how to be prepared for one.  Attending the session will also give attendees a much better understanding of MU regulation, compliance and security risks.

What: Meaningful Use Audits – What Your Provider Organization Needs to Know

When: March 2, 2013, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Where: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 280

Need more info?  Click here to visit HIMSS13 Conference Event Details.

HealthIT 101 Workshop at HIMSS13

HIMSS13_full_logo.jpg“An Introduction to Healthcare and IT Enabling Technologies ” 

On Sunday, March 3rd HIMSS13 will hold an all day introductory workshop for people new to the healthcare IT industry.  The session will review the US healthcare system and how ITs role contributes to patient wellness and care.

During the workshop, Mac McMillan, Current Chair of HIMSS Privacy and Security Task Force, will lead a Privacy & Security Outlook presentation from 11-12.  He will introduce attendees to the principles of data privacy and security, provide data from previous audits and incidents, and explain current and upcoming challenges for healthcare IT.  This workshop is very informative and highly encouraged for anyone new to healthcare IT that is attending HIMSS this year.

Learn more or register on the HIMSS13 website wwww.himssconference.org.