Tag Archives: events

CynergisTek to Exhibit at HCCA

CynergisTek and Partners to Focus on New Regulatory and Security Requirements at HCCA Annual Compliance Institute hcca-2013-ci-exhibit-email-sidebar-220w

CynergisTek™ will be exhibiting in booth 320 at the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) Annual Compliance Institute on April 21-24, 2013 in National Harbor, MD. CynergisTek will focus on best practices and solutions for audit preparedness, privacy monitoring and business associate management.  Several of CynergisTek’s partners, including Iatric Systems, Inc. (booth #509), Blass Compliance, LLC – ComplyAssistant (booth #708) and Zix Corporation (booth #901) will also be exhibiting at the conference.

HIPAA’s mounting regulations and enforcements, OCR’s audit program and the final Omnibus Rule are brining a renewed focus to information security in healthcare, urging provider organizations to examine security policies and practices from multiple standpoints. CynergisTek and its partners offer industry expertise and solutions for ensuring that healthcare organizations, business associates and other covered entities sharing protected health information (PHI) are taking the proper security measures to effectively manage their risk and meet compliance mandates.

“The healthcare industry is facing some of the greatest compliance and security expectations we have seen to date,” said Mac McMillan, CEO, CynergisTek. “Given the recent emphasis on regulation and enforcement, and the various compliance audits, providers are being forced to address the gaps in their security programs and bolster their infrastructure to ensure compliance.”

“With the Omnibus Rule now in effect, it is more important than ever for provider organizations to proactively manage their extended risk around their business associates,” said Gerry Blass, President and CEO, Blass Consulting & Compliance. “It is clear from the prevalence of data breaches and hacking incidents that organizations need guidance in assessing and addressing the IT security risks that exist beyond the four walls.”

“As regulatory demands around patient privacy become increasingly complex, providers are realizing the need for expert, outsourced support,” said Rob Rhodes, Senior Director of Patient Privacy Solutions, Iatric Systems. “Demonstrating compliance today is no easy task, and compliance staff are finding themselves overwhelmed with the level of risk analysis, audit maintenance and security monitoring that is required to ensure patient health information is adequately protected in today’s digital landscape.”

Representatives from CynergisTek, Iatric Systems, Blass and ZixCorp will be available at the conference to provide a more detailed overview of the regulatory and compliance challenges facing provider organizations today.

Free Webinar: The War Against Malware

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 – 1:00 PM CDT105

Presented by Pierluigi Stell, CTO of Network Box USA & Mac McMillan, CEO of CynergisTek

Security is an arms race fought 24/7/365.

It is neither a firewall nor an antivirus, but a viable solution which requires committed and constant attention.  Staying abreast of all the new threats requires a team of dedicated specialists.  This is where you have a choice to make – hire them on a full time basis or outsource your security.

This presentation will make the case about managed security and UTM devices, and clearly demonstrate why both are great solutions, particularly for medium sized companies.  It also delves into why Network Box USA provides the best of both these solutions and how it will help you deliver HITECH compliance for your company.
